Words to note
Find the words in Column A below in the text and try to work out their meanings from the contexts in which they are used. Then match each word with the correct definition in Column B.

The paragraph below has been taken from the text but includes ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of words in theword bank provided. You may not use any of the words in the word bank more thanonce.

DevelopingYour Skills
Sometimes it is easier to understand the information contained in a text by summarizing the key points in the form of a simple table. The format of the table depends on the type of information in which you are interested. The table could take the form of a chronological chart if the text has a time-related structure; or you could use a cause-and-effect chart, a flow chart, etc. In this text, if you were particularly interested in extracting all the information regarding the examples of superstitions mentioned, your table could be designed like the one below. Complete the table by filling in any missing information.