


  • 1 Culture
    • 1.1 Definition of Culture
    • 1.2 Elements of culture
    • 1.3 Subculture/Co-culture
    • 1.4 Cultural identity
    • 1.5 Characteristics of culture
  • 2 Communication and Intercultural communication
    • 2.1 Definition of communication
    • 2.2 Elements of communication
    • 2.3 Intercultural communication
  • 3 Cultural patterns
    • 3.1 Definition and components
    • 3.2 Edward T. Hall's theory
    • 3.3 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's value orientation
    • 3.4 Hofstede's dimensions of cultural variablity
  • 4 Verbal intercultural communication
    • 4.1 Language and culture
    • 4.2 Verbal communication styles
    • 4.3 Language diversity
  • 5 Nonverbal intercultural communication
    • 5.1 Significance,definition and functions
    • 5.2 Paralanguage and Silence
    • 5.3 Time and Space
    • 5.4 Other Categories
  • 6 Intercultural communication barriers and bridges
    • 6.1 Barriers
    • 6.2 Culture shock
    • 6.3 Intercultural adaptation
  • 7 Intercultural Communication Competence
    • 7.1 Definition of Intercultural Comunication Competence
    • 7.2 Components of Intercultural Comunication Competence
    • 7.3 Requirements for Intercultural Comunication Competence
Definition and components

1. Definition of Cultural Patterns

Cultural patterns are shared beliefs, values, norms and practices that are stable over time and that lead to roughly similar behaviors across similar situations. (textbook p.206)

2. Components of cultural patterns

(1) belief: is an idea that people assume to be true about the world (textbook p.210)

(2) values: involve what a culture regards good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair, just or unjust, beautiful or ugly, clean ordirty, valuable or worthless, appropriate or in appropriate, and kind or cruel.

(3) norms: are socially shared expectations of appropriate behaviors.

(4)social practices: are the predictable behavior patterns that members of a culture typically follow.