
  • 1 综合英语B2U1
    • 1.1 Text A
    • 1.2 Preview Task
    • 1.3 vocabulary-1
    • 1.4 Vocabulary-2
    • 1.5 Cloze
    • 1.6 Translation
    • 1.7 Text B
    • 1.8 Critical Thinking
    • 1.9 spot dictation1
    • 1.10 spot dictation2
    • 1.11 extra reading & listening
      • 1.11.1 Doctor Zhang Wenhong
      • 1.11.2 Women's Day
    • 1.12 Anne Hathaway's speech
    • 1.13 Britain Coronavirus action plan
  • 2 综合英语B2U2
    • 2.1 Preview Task
    • 2.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 2.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 2.4 Cloze
    • 2.5 Translation
    • 2.6 Text B
    • 2.7 六级词汇前缀后缀1
    • 2.8 COVID-19 Vocabulary
  • 3 综合英语 B2U3
    • 3.1 Preview Task
    • 3.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 3.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 3.4 Cloze
    • 3.5 Translation
    • 3.6 Text B
    • 3.7 NY governor's speech
    • 3.8 spot dictation
  • 4 综合英语 B2U4
    • 4.1 Preview Task
    • 4.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 4.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 4.4 Cloze
    • 4.5 Translation
    • 4.6 Text B
    • 4.7 W10 Spot Dictation
  • 5 综合英语 B2U5
    • 5.1 Preview Task
    • 5.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 5.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 5.4 Cloze
    • 5.5 Translation
    • 5.6 Text B
  • 6 综合英语 B2U6 (12-13周完成)
    • 6.1 Preview Task
    • 6.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 6.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 6.4 Cloze
    • 6.5 Translation
    • 6.6 Text B
  • 7 综合英语 B2U7 (14-15周完成)
    • 7.1 Preview Task
    • 7.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 7.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 7.4 Cloze
    • 7.5 Translation
    • 7.6 Text B
    • 7.7 段落听写
  • 8 综合英语 B2U8 (16-17周完成)
    • 8.1 Preview Task
    • 8.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 8.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 8.4 Cloze
    • 8.5 Translation
    • 8.6 Text B
  • 9 听力教程 B2U1 College Culture
    • 9.1 Part I Before Listening
    • 9.2 Part II While Listening
      • 9.2.1 Conversation 1-Video
        • Conversation 1-Transcript
      • 9.2.2 Conversation 2-Video
        • Conversation 2- Transcript
      • 9.2.3 Outside View (Video)
        • Outside view Transcript
      • 9.2.4 News (Audio)
        • News-Transcript
      • 9.2.5 Passage 1 -(Audio)
        • Passage 1 -Transcript
      • 9.2.6 Passage 2- (Audio)
        • Passage 2- Transcript
    • 9.3 Part III After Listening
  • 10 听力教程 B2U2 Mixed Feeling
    • 10.1 Part I Before Listening
    • 10.2 Part II While Listening
      • 10.2.1 Conversation1-Video
        • Conversation1-Transcript
      • 10.2.2 Conversation 2-Video
        • Conversation2-Transcript
      • 10.2.3 Outside view-Video
        • Outside view-Transcript
      • 10.2.4 News-Audio
        • News-Transcript
      • 10.2.5 Passage1-Audio
        • Passage1-Transcript
      • 10.2.6 Passage2-Audio
        • Passage2-Transcript
    • 10.3 Part III After Listening
  • 11 听力2 Unit3 Sporting life
    • 11.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 11.2 Part II While Listening
    • 11.3 Conversation1-Video
    • 11.4 Conversation 1 - Transcript
    • 11.5 Conversation 2 -Video
    • 11.6 Conversation 2- Transcript
    • 11.7 Outside view (Video)
    • 11.8 Outside view (Script)
    • 11.9 News- (Audio)
    • 11.10 Passage 1 -(Audio)
    • 11.11 News-transcript
    • 11.12 Passage 1- transcript
    • 11.13 Passage 2 -(Audio)
    • 11.14 Passage 2- transcript
    • 11.15 Part III After Listening
  • 12 听力U4 Crime watch
    • 12.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 12.2 Part II While Listening
    • 12.3 Conversation1-Video
    • 12.4 Conversation 1-  Transcript
    • 12.5 Conversation 2- Video
    • 12.6 Conversation 2 -Transcript
    • 12.7 Outside View (Video)
    • 12.8 Outside View (Script)
    • 12.9 News - (Audio)
    • 12.10 News -transcript
    • 12.11 Passage 1- (Audio)
    • 12.12 Passage 1- transcript
    • 12.13 Passage 2 -transcript
    • 12.14 Passage 2- (Audio)
    • 12.15 Part III After Listening
  • 13 听力教程B2U5  (10-11周完成)
    • 13.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 13.2 Part II While Listening
    • 13.3 Inside View 1- (Video)
    • 13.4 Inside View (Script)
    • 13.5 Inside View 2- (Video)
    • 13.6 Inside View  2-(Script)
    • 13.7 Outside View (Video)
    • 13.8 Outside View (Script)
    • 13.9 News-(Audio)
    • 13.10 News- (Script)
    • 13.11 Passge 1-(Audio)
    • 13.12 Passage 1- (Script)
    • 13.13 Passage 2-(Audio)
    • 13.14 Passage 2- (Script)
    • 13.15 Part III After Listening
  • 14 听力教程 B2U6  (12-13周完成)
    • 14.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 14.2 Part II While Listening
    • 14.3 Inside View 1-(Video)
    • 14.4 Inside View (Script)
    • 14.5 Inside View 2-(Video)
    • 14.6 Inside View  2-(Script)
    • 14.7 Outside View (Video)
    • 14.8 Outside View (Script)
    • 14.9 News- (Audio)
    • 14.10 News- (Script)
    • 14.11 Passage 1- (Audio)
    • 14.12 Passage 1- (Script)
    • 14.13 Passage 2- (Audio)
    • 14.14 Passage 2- (Script)
    • 14.15 Part III After Listening
  • 15 听力教程 U7B2  (14-15周完成)
    • 15.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 15.2 Part II While Listening
      • 15.2.1 Conversation 1-Video
        • Conversation 1-Transcript
      • 15.2.2 Conversation 2-Video
        • Conversation 2-Transcript
    • 15.3 Outside View-Video
      • 15.3.1 Outside View-Transcript
    • 15.4 News Report-Audio
      • 15.4.1 News Report-Transcript
    • 15.5 Passage 1-Audio
      • 15.5.1 Passage 1-Transcript
    • 15.6 Passage 2-Audio
      • 15.6.1 Passage 2-Transcript
    • 15.7 Part III After Listening
  • 16 听力教程 B2U8  (16-17周完成)
    • 16.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 16.2 Part II While Listening
      • 16.2.1 Conversation 1-Video
        • Conversation 1-Transcript
      • 16.2.2 Conversation 2-Video
        • Conversation 2-Transcript
    • 16.3 Outside View -Video
      • 16.3.1 Outside View -Transcript
    • 16.4 News Report-Audio
      • 16.4.1 News Report-Transcript
    • 16.5 Passage 1-Audio
      • 16.5.1 Passage 1-Transcript
    • 16.6 Passage 2-Audio
      • 16.6.1 Passage 2-Transcript
    • 16.7 Part III After Listening
  • 17 阅读教程 B2U1 Advertising: A Holiday of a Lifetime
    • 17.1 Before Reading
    • 17.2 Text
    • 17.3 Exercises
  • 18 阅读教程 B2U2Schooldays: An Effective Education System
    • 18.1 Before Reading
    • 18.2 Text
    • 18.3 Exercises
  • 19 阅读教程 B2U3  A Tale of the Unexpected:The Snakeskin Bag
    • 19.1 Before Reading
    • 19.2 Text
    • 19.3 Exercises
  • 20 阅读教程 B2U4 Stand Too Close
    • 20.1 Before Reading
    • 20.2 Text
    • 20.3 Exercises
  • 21 阅读教程 B2U5 Physical Disabilities: Overcoming Physical Disabilities
    • 21.1 Note On The Topic
    • 21.2 Before You Read
    • 21.3 Reading
    • 21.4 Further Information
  • 22 阅读教程Unit 6
    • 22.1 Before You Read
    • 22.2 Reading
    • 22.3 Further Information
    • 22.4 Exercises
  • 23 阅读教程Unit 7 (第10周完成)
    • 23.1 Before You Read
    • 23.2 Reading
    • 23.3 Exercises
    • 23.4 Further Information
  • 24 阅读教程Unit 8 (第10周完成)
    • 24.1 Before You Read
    • 24.2 Reading
    • 24.3 Exercises
    • 24.4 Further Information
  • 25 阅读教程Unit 9 (第11周完成)
    • 25.1 Before You Read
    • 25.2 Reading
    • 25.3 Exercises
    • 25.4 Further Information
  • 26 阅读Unit 10  Superstitions (10周完成)
    • 26.1 Before You Read
    • 26.2 Reading
    • 26.3 Exercises
    • 26.4 Further Information
  • 27 阅读教程Unit 11  An English New Town(11周)
    • 27.1 Before You Read
    • 27.2 Reading
    • 27.3 Exercises
    • 27.4 Further Information
  • 28 Unit 12  Bridging China and the West
    • 28.1 Note On The Topic
    • 28.2 Before You Read
    • 28.3 Reading
    • 28.4 Exercises
    • 28.5 Further Information
  • 29 Unit 13  Gestures
    • 29.1 Note On The Topic
    • 29.2 Before You Read
    • 29.3 Reading
    • 29.4 Exercise
    • 29.5 Intercultural Notes
  • 30 Unit 14  Romantic Fiction
    • 30.1 Note On The Topic
    • 30.2 Before You Read
    • 30.3 Reading
    • 30.4 Exercises
    • 30.5 Further Information
  • 31 Unit 15  Re-engineering the Music Business
    • 31.1 Note On The Topic
    • 31.2 Before You Read
    • 31.3 Reading
    • 31.4 Exercises
    • 31.5 Further Information
  • 32 Unit 16  Application Letters
    • 32.1 Note On The Topic
    • 32.2 Before You Read
    • 32.3 Reading
    • 32.4 Exercises
    • 32.5 Intercultural Notes
  • 33 Extra Reading Exercises
    • 33.1 1. Bilinguallism
    • 33.2 2. An article from Science
    • 33.3 3. An article from Science
    • 33.4 News-Audio
      • 33.4.1 News-Transcript
    • 33.5 Passage1-Audio
      • 33.5.1 Passage1-Transcript
    • 33.6 Passage2-Audio
      • 33.6.1 Passage2-Transcript
    • 33.7 Part III After Listening


There's a new fitness trend in Australia called "crunning"(爬行和跑步结合的一项运动). It's a new sport that combines crawling and running that involves using your hands and feet on the ground. The idea was started by Melbourne resident Shaun McCarthy, and he hopes it will spread to other countries.

McCarthy can't prove that crunning is more beneficial than traditional running. However, he believes that it is a better way to exercise because it involves using your upper body as well as your lower body. Therefore it provides a complete body workout. He also said that crunning burns more calories than running.

Experts aren't sure if crunning is actually a safe exercise for people. Unlike animals, humans are not built to move on all four limbs. People's wrists are not as strong as their ankles, and crunning can place a large amount of pressure on the wrists as well as their elbows and shoulders. It could result in an injury to the lower back, shoulders, elbows or wrists.

 Q1: What do we learn about the news report?

Q2: What do experts think about the news report?


1) (b) 2) (c)