
  • 1 综合英语B2U1
    • 1.1 Text A
    • 1.2 Preview Task
    • 1.3 vocabulary-1
    • 1.4 Vocabulary-2
    • 1.5 Cloze
    • 1.6 Translation
    • 1.7 Text B
    • 1.8 Critical Thinking
    • 1.9 spot dictation1
    • 1.10 spot dictation2
    • 1.11 extra reading & listening
      • 1.11.1 Doctor Zhang Wenhong
      • 1.11.2 Women's Day
    • 1.12 Anne Hathaway's speech
    • 1.13 Britain Coronavirus action plan
  • 2 综合英语B2U2
    • 2.1 Preview Task
    • 2.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 2.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 2.4 Cloze
    • 2.5 Translation
    • 2.6 Text B
    • 2.7 六级词汇前缀后缀1
    • 2.8 COVID-19 Vocabulary
  • 3 综合英语 B2U3
    • 3.1 Preview Task
    • 3.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 3.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 3.4 Cloze
    • 3.5 Translation
    • 3.6 Text B
    • 3.7 NY governor's speech
    • 3.8 spot dictation
  • 4 综合英语 B2U4
    • 4.1 Preview Task
    • 4.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 4.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 4.4 Cloze
    • 4.5 Translation
    • 4.6 Text B
    • 4.7 W10 Spot Dictation
  • 5 综合英语 B2U5
    • 5.1 Preview Task
    • 5.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 5.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 5.4 Cloze
    • 5.5 Translation
    • 5.6 Text B
  • 6 综合英语 B2U6 (12-13周完成)
    • 6.1 Preview Task
    • 6.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 6.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 6.4 Cloze
    • 6.5 Translation
    • 6.6 Text B
  • 7 综合英语 B2U7 (14-15周完成)
    • 7.1 Preview Task
    • 7.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 7.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 7.4 Cloze
    • 7.5 Translation
    • 7.6 Text B
    • 7.7 段落听写
  • 8 综合英语 B2U8 (16-17周完成)
    • 8.1 Preview Task
    • 8.2 Vocabulary-1
    • 8.3 Vocabulary-2
    • 8.4 Cloze
    • 8.5 Translation
    • 8.6 Text B
  • 9 听力教程 B2U1 College Culture
    • 9.1 Part I Before Listening
    • 9.2 Part II While Listening
      • 9.2.1 Conversation 1-Video
        • Conversation 1-Transcript
      • 9.2.2 Conversation 2-Video
        • Conversation 2- Transcript
      • 9.2.3 Outside View (Video)
        • Outside view Transcript
      • 9.2.4 News (Audio)
        • News-Transcript
      • 9.2.5 Passage 1 -(Audio)
        • Passage 1 -Transcript
      • 9.2.6 Passage 2- (Audio)
        • Passage 2- Transcript
    • 9.3 Part III After Listening
  • 10 听力教程 B2U2 Mixed Feeling
    • 10.1 Part I Before Listening
    • 10.2 Part II While Listening
      • 10.2.1 Conversation1-Video
        • Conversation1-Transcript
      • 10.2.2 Conversation 2-Video
        • Conversation2-Transcript
      • 10.2.3 Outside view-Video
        • Outside view-Transcript
      • 10.2.4 News-Audio
        • News-Transcript
      • 10.2.5 Passage1-Audio
        • Passage1-Transcript
      • 10.2.6 Passage2-Audio
        • Passage2-Transcript
    • 10.3 Part III After Listening
  • 11 听力2 Unit3 Sporting life
    • 11.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 11.2 Part II While Listening
    • 11.3 Conversation1-Video
    • 11.4 Conversation 1 - Transcript
    • 11.5 Conversation 2 -Video
    • 11.6 Conversation 2- Transcript
    • 11.7 Outside view (Video)
    • 11.8 Outside view (Script)
    • 11.9 News- (Audio)
    • 11.10 Passage 1 -(Audio)
    • 11.11 News-transcript
    • 11.12 Passage 1- transcript
    • 11.13 Passage 2 -(Audio)
    • 11.14 Passage 2- transcript
    • 11.15 Part III After Listening
  • 12 听力U4 Crime watch
    • 12.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 12.2 Part II While Listening
    • 12.3 Conversation1-Video
    • 12.4 Conversation 1-  Transcript
    • 12.5 Conversation 2- Video
    • 12.6 Conversation 2 -Transcript
    • 12.7 Outside View (Video)
    • 12.8 Outside View (Script)
    • 12.9 News - (Audio)
    • 12.10 News -transcript
    • 12.11 Passage 1- (Audio)
    • 12.12 Passage 1- transcript
    • 12.13 Passage 2 -transcript
    • 12.14 Passage 2- (Audio)
    • 12.15 Part III After Listening
  • 13 听力教程B2U5  (10-11周完成)
    • 13.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 13.2 Part II While Listening
    • 13.3 Inside View 1- (Video)
    • 13.4 Inside View (Script)
    • 13.5 Inside View 2- (Video)
    • 13.6 Inside View  2-(Script)
    • 13.7 Outside View (Video)
    • 13.8 Outside View (Script)
    • 13.9 News-(Audio)
    • 13.10 News- (Script)
    • 13.11 Passge 1-(Audio)
    • 13.12 Passage 1- (Script)
    • 13.13 Passage 2-(Audio)
    • 13.14 Passage 2- (Script)
    • 13.15 Part III After Listening
  • 14 听力教程 B2U6  (12-13周完成)
    • 14.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 14.2 Part II While Listening
    • 14.3 Inside View 1-(Video)
    • 14.4 Inside View (Script)
    • 14.5 Inside View 2-(Video)
    • 14.6 Inside View  2-(Script)
    • 14.7 Outside View (Video)
    • 14.8 Outside View (Script)
    • 14.9 News- (Audio)
    • 14.10 News- (Script)
    • 14.11 Passage 1- (Audio)
    • 14.12 Passage 1- (Script)
    • 14.13 Passage 2- (Audio)
    • 14.14 Passage 2- (Script)
    • 14.15 Part III After Listening
  • 15 听力教程 U7B2  (14-15周完成)
    • 15.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 15.2 Part II While Listening
      • 15.2.1 Conversation 1-Video
        • Conversation 1-Transcript
      • 15.2.2 Conversation 2-Video
        • Conversation 2-Transcript
    • 15.3 Outside View-Video
      • 15.3.1 Outside View-Transcript
    • 15.4 News Report-Audio
      • 15.4.1 News Report-Transcript
    • 15.5 Passage 1-Audio
      • 15.5.1 Passage 1-Transcript
    • 15.6 Passage 2-Audio
      • 15.6.1 Passage 2-Transcript
    • 15.7 Part III After Listening
  • 16 听力教程 B2U8  (16-17周完成)
    • 16.1 Part I  Before Listening
    • 16.2 Part II While Listening
      • 16.2.1 Conversation 1-Video
        • Conversation 1-Transcript
      • 16.2.2 Conversation 2-Video
        • Conversation 2-Transcript
    • 16.3 Outside View -Video
      • 16.3.1 Outside View -Transcript
    • 16.4 News Report-Audio
      • 16.4.1 News Report-Transcript
    • 16.5 Passage 1-Audio
      • 16.5.1 Passage 1-Transcript
    • 16.6 Passage 2-Audio
      • 16.6.1 Passage 2-Transcript
    • 16.7 Part III After Listening
  • 17 阅读教程 B2U1 Advertising: A Holiday of a Lifetime
    • 17.1 Before Reading
    • 17.2 Text
    • 17.3 Exercises
  • 18 阅读教程 B2U2Schooldays: An Effective Education System
    • 18.1 Before Reading
    • 18.2 Text
    • 18.3 Exercises
  • 19 阅读教程 B2U3  A Tale of the Unexpected:The Snakeskin Bag
    • 19.1 Before Reading
    • 19.2 Text
    • 19.3 Exercises
  • 20 阅读教程 B2U4 Stand Too Close
    • 20.1 Before Reading
    • 20.2 Text
    • 20.3 Exercises
  • 21 阅读教程 B2U5 Physical Disabilities: Overcoming Physical Disabilities
    • 21.1 Note On The Topic
    • 21.2 Before You Read
    • 21.3 Reading
    • 21.4 Further Information
  • 22 阅读教程Unit 6
    • 22.1 Before You Read
    • 22.2 Reading
    • 22.3 Further Information
    • 22.4 Exercises
  • 23 阅读教程Unit 7 (第10周完成)
    • 23.1 Before You Read
    • 23.2 Reading
    • 23.3 Exercises
    • 23.4 Further Information
  • 24 阅读教程Unit 8 (第10周完成)
    • 24.1 Before You Read
    • 24.2 Reading
    • 24.3 Exercises
    • 24.4 Further Information
  • 25 阅读教程Unit 9 (第11周完成)
    • 25.1 Before You Read
    • 25.2 Reading
    • 25.3 Exercises
    • 25.4 Further Information
  • 26 阅读Unit 10  Superstitions (10周完成)
    • 26.1 Before You Read
    • 26.2 Reading
    • 26.3 Exercises
    • 26.4 Further Information
  • 27 阅读教程Unit 11  An English New Town(11周)
    • 27.1 Before You Read
    • 27.2 Reading
    • 27.3 Exercises
    • 27.4 Further Information
  • 28 Unit 12  Bridging China and the West
    • 28.1 Note On The Topic
    • 28.2 Before You Read
    • 28.3 Reading
    • 28.4 Exercises
    • 28.5 Further Information
  • 29 Unit 13  Gestures
    • 29.1 Note On The Topic
    • 29.2 Before You Read
    • 29.3 Reading
    • 29.4 Exercise
    • 29.5 Intercultural Notes
  • 30 Unit 14  Romantic Fiction
    • 30.1 Note On The Topic
    • 30.2 Before You Read
    • 30.3 Reading
    • 30.4 Exercises
    • 30.5 Further Information
  • 31 Unit 15  Re-engineering the Music Business
    • 31.1 Note On The Topic
    • 31.2 Before You Read
    • 31.3 Reading
    • 31.4 Exercises
    • 31.5 Further Information
  • 32 Unit 16  Application Letters
    • 32.1 Note On The Topic
    • 32.2 Before You Read
    • 32.3 Reading
    • 32.4 Exercises
    • 32.5 Intercultural Notes
  • 33 Extra Reading Exercises
    • 33.1 1. Bilinguallism
    • 33.2 2. An article from Science
    • 33.3 3. An article from Science
    • 33.4 News-Audio
      • 33.4.1 News-Transcript
    • 33.5 Passage1-Audio
      • 33.5.1 Passage1-Transcript
    • 33.6 Passage2-Audio
      • 33.6.1 Passage2-Transcript
    • 33.7 Part III After Listening
Part I Before Listening

Cultural Notes:

Punt: A punt is a long flat boat with square ends pushing a long pole again the bottom of the river. Punts were originally used to carry cargo but today they are used only for pleasure trips on the rivers I the university towns of Oxford and Cambridge. 

See the source image

Charity: A charity is an organization to which you give money so that it can help other people who are poor or ill, or who need advice and support. It’s common for students in most English-speaking universities to raise money for charity by doing something for which other people will sponsor them, or to pay a small amount of money. This is them passed on to one or a number of charity organizations, it could be a sponsored walk, or a charity run or anything that involves fun and only a little efforts by the fundraisers.

OUDS: OUDS stands for Oxford University Dramatic Society. It’s an amateur dramatics club for everyone who likes to act in plays or musicals. Many students who are members of OUDS go on to become well-known actors.

See the source image 

CNN: CNN is an acronym(首字母缩写) for Cable News Network, a popular American news channel. Founded 

in 1980 [watch the following video of CNN's debut(首播) on June 1st, 1980.], it was the first news network to introduce 24-hour news coverage. 

Boston Red Sox:The Boston Red Sox is a professional baseball team based in Boston, Massachusetts. Not surprisingly, the name comes from the colour of their socks. 

Ivy League schools: The term Ivy League commonly refers to a group of 8 private, east-coast colleges and universities renowned for providing an excellent education and their significant history. These universities were some of the earliest American institutions founded:

1. Harvard in 1636    2.Yale in 1701     3.Pennsylvania in 1740    4. Princeton in 1746

5. Columbia in 1754   6. Brown in 1764   7. Dartmouth in 1769    8.Cornell in 1865


Instagram: Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flick.


Classification of undergraduate degrees in British Universities: 

●first-class honors  ●upper second-class honors  ●lower second-class honors  ●third-class honors

Most students receive an upper or lower second-class degree. There is also an ordinary degree (or a pass degree without honors.)

GPA (grade point average 平均绩点): GPA is the grading system in the US. Your grade point average may range from 0.0 to a 4.0. If you want to be admitted into an undergraduate program, the minimum requirement is 2.0 GPA and most graduate schools have required a 3.0 GPA.

Listening Stratey: 

● Use different cues to predict before actually listening to the conversations or passages. 

● Make apt use of one's background knowledge about the topic to improve listening comprehension.